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COVID-19 Policy

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We are so excited to bring the Riverside Game Lab's tournaments to the next level here at Festival of Fights, 2022.


Amid all this excitement, we must stay mindful that the world is still contending with the COVID-19 Pandemic. For the safety of all our attendees, we will be enforcing multiple safety precautions. We know that these precautions are difficult, but they will allow people to feel as safe as possible and have an enjoyable tournament.

We have done our best to develop these policies in accordance with government regulations, CDC guidance, and currently available scientific data. Please note that as pandemic conditions change, we may update these policies to maximize the safety of our attendees. We will make every effort to communicate changes promptly so that you can make informed decisions about your attendance.


An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public space where people are present. By attending Festival of Fights 2022, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.     

The Festival of Fights will be following health and safety policies in order to reduce the risk of COVID-19. Upon registration, you will need to confirm that you understand and agree to abide by these policies on-site, including our mandatory vaccination & masking policies.

           We know this has been a challenging time for everyone, and we thank you for your understanding and cooperation with the following guidelines and policies. 


Failure to comply with our COVID-19 policies may result in expulsion from the event without a refund.

All attendees at Festival of Fights 2022, including staff, volunteers, guests, contractors, and vendors/artists MUST WEAR A MASK at all times while in any event ballrooms or corridors being occupied as event space. 

Additionally,  PROOF OF VACCINE or Negative test is required for entry and badge pickup. We WILL be accepting Negative Tests in lieu of Vaccines. Please bring your vaccine card, clearly printed photocopy, or digital COVID-19 QR code showing you have received both doses of a 2-dose vaccine or 1 dose of a single dose vaccine. 


•   Negative COVID-19 tests WILL gain you entry to the event.

•   VALID ID will be visually inspected to match vaccine cards.

•   FACE MASKS will be always required in all event spaces. Proper mask usage will be strongly enforced.

•   PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN. Sanitizing stations will be positioned throughout the venue.

•   MAXIMUM COMPETITOR COMFORT. The event will be capped at 1,000 attendees (competitors & spectators), not including staff. We have taken steps to reduce congestion and allow for more space between tables and fewer players per pool.


Vaccine Requirements


All attendees at Festival of Fights, including staff, volunteers, guests, minors, contractors, and vendors/artists must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 in order to attend the event. If attendees are not vaccinated, they will not be admitted into the event..

  • Proof of vaccination or negative tests will be required in order to pick up your event badge, please make sure to bring your physical vaccination card with you. We will not store information about your vaccination status; a visual check of your documentation will be completed by our registration staff.

  • Acceptable vaccination documentation includes: 

    • an original physical vaccination card (no photos), or

    • a clear, unaltered photocopy or

    • a digital vaccination record, including a QR code that allows the record to be validated with the issuing state or government body, either displayed on your smart device or printed out.

  • We WILL be accepting a negative COVID test result as a substitution for being vaccinated. 

     Your vaccination documentation MUST clearly demonstrate that the document presented belongs to you, meaning it must match the name and date of birth on the government-issued photo identification that you use to pick up your badge. If you have legally changed your name since your vaccination, or are in the process of doing so, please also bring proof of your name change.

Your vaccination documentation MUST ALSO clearly demonstrate that you are fully vaccinated according to the current CDC definition, meaning it must show your vaccination type and date(s) so that our registration staff can confirm that you have received your second dose of a two-dose vaccine, or your first dose of a single-dose vaccine, at least 14 days before arriving on-site at the event. This means that for most attendees, your final vaccination must be on or before November 30th, 2022. We will accept all COVID-19 vaccines that have received Emergency Use Authorization or full approval by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the World Health Organization (WHO).

Please contact if you require an exemption for medical reasons.


To find a free COVID-19 vaccine near you visit, text your zip to 438829, or call 1-800-232-0233



Children unable to be vaccinated due to current COVID FDA policies are required to present a negative COVID-19 test taken within 48 hours of the event. 


Masks Requirements 


All attendees at Festival of Fights 2022, including staff, volunteers, guests, minors, contractors, and vendors/artists must wear a mask at all times while in any event ballrooms or corridors being occupied as event space. 

  • Staff and event security may ask you to put on a mask if you are seen without one. Failure to comply may result in expulsion from the event without a refund. 

  • Face coverings must be entirely made of tightly-woven material, have at least 2 layers, fit snugly around the sides of your face, and fully cover your nose and mouth.

  • If you do not have a mask or you lose your mask, we will have disposable face masks and Festival of Fights facemasks available for you. 

  • You may remove your mask while actively eating or drinking. This does not mean walking around for a long period of time with a drink in your hand, as you will be told to put your mask on. If you decide to drink while standing or playing, please briefly remove your mask and put it back on as soon as you are done. 

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